Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Favorite 3 Question Cold Reading Game

Here is a fun game I learned in Psych 101 oh so many years ago. It works like a charm with the the lady folk. It gives you A LOT of room to tease, turn the convo sexual, and generally amaze her. Enjoy

Me: Let's play a psychology game right now!:

Her: Ok

Me: Ok there are three questions I am going to ask you. Tell me the first thing that comes to your mind. You have to be completely honest for this to work. You sure you are ready for this?

Her: Yes

Me: Ok. Now you are going to have to remember your answers because I am going to be focusing on the interpretation. Ready?

Her: Let's do it

1. What is your favorite color? Now give me three reasons why you picked that one

2. What is your favorite animal? dido

3. If you could live by one body of water what would it be: an ocean, a lake or a river? once again...three reasons why you picked what you picked

1) White is my favorite color.
a) When I think of white & when I see white, I think clean, simple, fresh, and beautiful.
b) Most people think it's the absence of color, but really, in the visible light spectrum it is all colors combined. So really this is like saying my favorite color is the rainbow, and who hasn't looked at a rainbow and sighed in awe of it's beauty?
c) It reflects light the best, so there's a sense of luminosity to it. Basically, it makes the world glow.

2) My favorite animal is a manatee.
a) They like a cross between a fish, a bear, an elephant, a sting ray, and a sea lion...how amazing is that?!
b) They are non aggressive herbivores. Basically sweet and friendly, and they look it. I've always thought of them as 'the teddy bears of the sea.'
c) "They may use taste and smell, in addition to sight, sound, and touch to communicate. Manatees are capable of understanding discrimination tasks, and show signs of complex associated learning and advanced long term memory....That's just incredible, plus they get to swim all day.

3) I'm happiest when I'm next to any body of water, in any form, but if I had to choose it would be a river.
a) It's a combination of the ocean and a lake. It makes the same glorious sound as the ocean hitting the sand, and has the beautiful white wash like the ocean, but it's not salt water so you can drink it (if it's fresh).
b) You can play in it! You can play in all three, but with a lake you normally need an engine, but with rivers you canoe, raft, & innertube (oceans do have surfing and sailing though) and your scenery is constantly changing. The scenery on the ocean is normally the same.
c) Lastly & most importantly, rivers normally aren't crowded like lakes and beaches. When you're in a river (or by) your surrounded by amazing trees and rocks, and normally not a lot of people, with the exception of friends.

Her: So Dr. Race just exactly how crazy am I?

Me: Oh you definitely are crazy...j/k i actually just made it up...it doesn't mean anything haha

This always gets a laugh and makes her feel duped...it's awesome. Make sure you throw this in.

Her: you jerk (playfully punching me in the arm)

Me: I'm just kidding.

Answer #1: Ok so your favorite color is how others perceive You:
so others see u as gay (the white=rainbow) haha
no they see u as bright, fresh, beautiful..you make the world glow --from what i can tell about you..i would agree

Answer #2: your favorite animal is how you see yourself:
so you are sweet and friendly, express yourself through many different modes/senses, are a complex combination of many different amazing parts...oh ya and you are fat..haha j/k..just fluffy in an adorable "teddy bear of the sea kinda way" ---you know i love u (hug)

Answer #3: now as for your choice of the river, this is a reflexion of your sexuality...let's take a closer look shall we?!

once again we see a combination of what you see as the best aspects of several options...in fact, this let's me know you have a "both" mentality instead of an "either or"...you find ways to get all of what you want instead of just settling for one or the other

the fresh water analogy tells me you find your sexuality as a source of refreshment/nourishment...and if you go too long without expressing it you can get parched also you chose a place that is secluded (not many people/only your friends) tells me you are highly selective who you share your sexuality with...also it is a place of refuge for you.

you like how you can play in it and how the scenery always is changing...so you like diversity and sense of playfulness to be incorporated in your sexuality

wow this is by far the longest one i have ever done...you must slightly fascinate me

Her: whoa...it's basically scary how accurate that is. (look of wonder and amazement in her eyes)

This was a real interaction I had with a girl. She happened to be the Prom Queen from my high school growing up. Who says you can't make up for missed opportunities..lol

Have fun with this. When done right, you are certain to capture her full attention. After all, there is nothing more interesting to someone than themselves :)

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