Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Passing Women's Tests

As you learn how to use the principles of attraction successfully, you will begin to build attraction really quickly with women. They are not used to this happening. Because of this, they will often test you to see if you really are the fun, cool, high value guy that you are portraying yourself to be. She has to know if you are the real deal or just faking it to get in her pants. Based on how you react, she will either become far more attracted to you or realize that it was just too good to be true and lose all the attraction you had build up. When she tests you it does not mean she is being bitchy or mean or doesn’t like you. In fact, it is the exact opposite.


Cherish the moments a woman suddenly gives you resistance or gives you hell about something you said. She has to do this to filter out low value men to get to the quality men.

So how do you pass a woman’s test and solidify in her mind that you are the high quality guy she wants to be attracted to? You must be NON-REACTIVE. Don’t buy into the argument or sassy comment. She is trying to get a rise out of you and when you don’t stammer to try to explain yourself, start apologizing, or get upset her attraction to you goes through the roof. It shows that you truly are an awesome guy who doesn’t need her acceptance or approval to feel good about yourself. You do what you want to because you want to not because of how others will form opinions of you. This is insanely attractive!

Do not...I repeat...DO NOT take it personal! Instead look at it as a fun game. It is cute. She is telling you that she likes you and giving you an amazing opportunity to make her even more attracted to you.

Here are some of the main ways to successfully handle a woman’s tests:

-Ignore it. Sometimes the best way to handle a woman’s test is to simply ignore it and keep doing what you are doing - having fun bantering back and forth. This let’s her know that you, unlike most guys, are not going to buy into her little games. If done correctly, it will be forgotten and the conversation will move forward as if it never happened. Only she will be way more attracted to you.

-Say: “you are cute” with a smile. This is a great way to show her that you are unaffected. You find it cute that she is trying to test you because you now know it just means she likes you.

-Play along. Go over the top so she knows you are joking around and you don’t take this seriously at all. (Example: Her- "you are such a manwhore" You - "hey that is offensive...we prefer the term gigolo" - smile)

-Find out the REAL issue. If it is a more serious test stemming from her insecurities, find out what the real issue is and handle that instead. More often than not, it has to do with the fact she is afraid you don't really value her but just want sex. Don’t get caught up in a fake argument.

-Be willing to walk away. This is the most important concept you may ever learn about interacting with women. Know what you want and don’t want. What you are willing to put up with and what you are not. If it just doesn’t work out you have to be ok with that. It doesn’t mean you weren’t good enough or she wasn’t good enough for you, it just means you two are not compatible. No worries. There are a million fish in the sea and you are quite the catch.

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